Location - How to get to Barra Grande Piauí

Terra Patris! Atelier Pousada is located in one of the most tranquil areas of the beach of Barra Grande. We are located 200 meters from the beach, close to Coroa de Iemanjá (a natural reef formation, only visible during the low tide) and less then 400 metres of the main restaurants.

How to get to Barra Grande

To get to Barra Grande, you have several options. The nearest bigger city is Parnaíba, the second biggest of the state of Piauí, where the closest airport (PHB) is located and provide the main road connections to the capitals.
Distance from the main cities to Barra Grande do Piauí: ​
Teresina, PI - 396 km Parnaiba, PI - 78 km
Fortaleza, CE - 450 km Natal, RN - 988 km
São Luís, MA - 518 km Aracajú, SE - 1.360 km ​

Aeroporto Internacional Parnaíba (International Parnaíba Airport)

Prefeito Dr. João Silva Filho (PHB)

Rodovia BR-343, s/n - São Judas Tadeu, Parnaíba - PI, 64206-260 -

Arriving by Plane

Flights to Parnaiba, PI - PHB

Airline ​Weekday Departs Arrives
Azul Linhas Aéreas ​Saturday 11:00am, Campinas 14:35hs​​, Parnaiba

Flights from Parnaiba, PI - PHB

Airline ​​​Weekday Departs Arrives
Azul Linhas Aéreas (2) ​​Saturday  15:05hs, Parnaiba 19:25am, Campinas

Flights to Jericoacoara, CE - JJD

Aeroporto Regional de Jericoacoara Comandante Ariston Person​ - Cruz - Ceará, 62595-000

Airline Weekday Departs Arrives
Azul Linhas Aéreas ​Wed, Sat, Sun ​13:10hs, Recife ​14:40hs, Jericoacoara
​Saturday (direct flight) ​12:25hs, Campinas ​15:55hs, Jericoacoara
​Saturday* (one stop) 08:35am, Campinas ​​14:45hs, Jericoacoara

Observation: from Jeri's airport to Terra Patris! in Barra Grande, PI the distance is 182km, or 2h20 of a car drive.

Other flight options to consider are the main capitals airports, such as Teresina (THE), Fortaleza (FOR) - also international - and São Luiz do Maranhão (SLZ). You can look for the airlines Tam, Gol and Azul.

Bus from Parnaíba to Barra Grande

Small bus from Damasceno - Tel: (086) 3322-1683, leaving rom the center of Parnaíba (new Fontenele agency, rua São Sebastião). -

Approximate value: R$ 15,00 per person

Bus from Local days Horários
Parnaiba Agência Fontenele Monday to Friday ​10:30 AM, 02 PM, 04 PM
​Saturday ​02 PM
Barra Grande Praça da Igreja ​Monday to Friday ​06 AM, 06:30 AM, 12 PM
​Saturday ​06:00 AM

The buses normally don't stop by the main bus station, only if someone has already bought the ticket in the central station.

Using bus from Rota Combo - Jericoacoara

The small bus Rota Combo: If you are at Jericoacoara, there is this easy option by bus. Only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, leaving from 8:00 to 9:30am (both ways).

Approximate value: ​R$ 100,00 per person

Company Weekdays Time Where
Rota Combo ​Monday - Wednesday - Friday ​from 8:00 to 9:30am Schedule with your pousada

Bus from Teresina to Barra Grande PI

If you are near Fortaleza or Camocim - CE (close to Jericoacoara), São Luís - MA or Teresina - PI, we recommend you to use the buses from Expresso Guanabara 

Approximate value: R$ 90,00 per person

Bus Company Weekday Departs Arrives
Expresso Guanabara Daily (direct bus) ​23:30hs, Teresina 06:00am, Barra Grande
Daily (direct bus) ​22:20hs, Barra Grande ​05:00am, Teresina

Where to buy bus tickets directly to/from Teresina Barra Grande

City Local Address ​Telephone
Parnaíba Bus Staion ​Av. Pinheiro Machado - 2318 ​(86) 3323-7481
​Cajueiro da Praia Store Rius Bebê ​Av. Gerardo Laura, 391 ​(86) 3369-1371

ONLINE TICKETS: Tickets can be bought up to 30 days ahead the date of your trip. If you buy it at least 15 days in advance, you can get some discount.

IMPORTANT: If you buy your ticket online, remember to get it before your trip on one of the bus stations of Teresina, Fortaleza or Parnaíba.

Using Rota Combo from Barrerinhas, MA to Parnaíba

Company ​Weekdays Departs
Rota Combo ​Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ​from 8:00am to 9:00am

Buses from Tutóia - MA to Parnaíba

Bus Company Weekdays Times
​​Continental Daily ​​6:00am - 10:00am - 12:00pm
​​N. Sra. dos Remédios Daily ​​10:00am - 12:00pm - 16:00hs
​​São Francisco Daily ​​12:00pm e 12.30pm

Coming by car from Fortaleza - Jericoacoara to Barra Grande - PI

>>> Coming from Ceará it is not necessary to travel to Parnaíba.

By car: The entrance to Barra Grande is before Parnaíba for those who travel through CE 085 - also called Rota do Sol Poente. Just follow the signs to Cajueiro da Praia and Barra Grande after the limits of the states (before Camurupim).

(!) Attention: it is not necessary to take the first entrance to right (on a dirt road), besides of the sign to Cajueiro da Praia there. Stay straight for 5km more, until the next entrance (paved).

Traveling by car from Parnaíba to Barra Grande

At Parnaíba you can:

  1. Rent a car (rates from R$ 120 per day)
  2. Take a taxi (approximately R$ 180).
  3. Hire a private transfer choosing to do some sightseeing in Luís Correia​ before getting to Barra Grande.

Location of Terra Patris! in Barra Grande, PI

Arriving by car in Barra Grande, PI from Teresina

From Teresina to Barra Grande the easiest way is to get the BR-343. You will pass in the middle of 2 cities: Campo Maior and Piripiri. Follow the signs to Parnaiba.

Coming from Lençóis Maranhenses

Barra Grande Piauí is in the middle of the Rota das Emoções. If you are at the Lençóis Maranhenses - MA, lots will tell you that you have to get bak to São Luís to get a bus, But that is not needed! You can:

  1. Contact a travel agency to check the available options in 4x4 vehycles.
  2. Get to Tutóia or Araióses - MA with a 4x4 or by boat and then get a bus to Parnaíba.
  3. Come by boat to Ilha Grande de Santa Isabel to Porto dos Tatus, Parnaíba.
  4. Use the new road (still on dirt) from Barreirinhas to Paulino Neves and then by the road to Parnaíba.
  5. If you are travelling on a Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday, there is also the bus from Rota Combo, that leaves from Barreirinhas to Parnaíba, always by the morning (8am to 9am). This trip also costs around R$ 100 per person and lasts aroud 4 hours. There is also the option from Parnaíba to Barreirinhas, same weekdays.